Onboarding checklist when joining a new company
Jan 06, 2020

The Tomb of the Diver, in Paestum, Italy c. 480BC
So, you just joined a new company. Everything is very overwhelming - you have lots to learn. In addition to be able to do the basics of your job, what else can you do to get up to speed as soon as possible? Here are some ideas on what you can do to become more familiar with the company, its processes and people.
Start keeping notes in a paper file and your computer of the following. Memorise as much as possible of this.
The People
- The names of all the people and job-titles between you and CEO.
- Keep a list of all your peers. The people that report to the same manager as you.
- Keep a list of all the people sitting around you. You may want to keep a small notebook with you for this. Greet them on their name next time you see them at the watercooler.
- List of everyone that introduce themselves.
- Name of person at reception, IT support person, office manager, person cleaning the kitchen and other key service.
- Look up above people on LinkedIn and make a note of something interesting about them. Example previous company they worked at, language ability, where they worked before, anything. This gives you the ability to get a conversation going when you meet them.
This list is not complete but you get the idea.
The Company
- Download annual report or get hold of some high level finance stats
- Finance: what is turnover, earnings, valuation – is it on the up or down – why?
- History of the company
- Management team, Directors
- Main product or service provided by company
- Client base and how is it changing
Technology being used
- Info of all the key systems used in company, example those used for accounting, production, HR, sales
- High level architecture of these systems - what is working / not working well
- Main service providers / vendor of the company
I have not read it but this book is a practical guide on how to be getting up to speed, faster in a new company.
The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter by Michael D. Watkins